The Grab the Peanut Butter technique

Short Answer:

The peanut butter technique is a fun stopping method for inline skaters. It combines a sharp 90-degree turn with a quick stop, perfect for tight spaces like supermarket aisles or when you need to stop suddenly.

Long Answer:

The peanut butter technique is a stop I came up with that’s perfect for when you don’t have much space to maneuver. Unlike other stops like the T-stop or soul stop, this one lets you make a quick 90-degree turn and stop in a small area.

Why it’s called the peanut butter technique

You know that feeling when you're skating in the supermarket and the aisle is super narrow? And then, right at the end, you need to grab something off the shelf—like a jar of peanut butter. That quick turn and stop you need to make? That’s what this technique is all about. The name might sound a bit silly, but it fits!

When to use the peanut butter technique

This is a go-to move for when you're in tight spots, like:

  • Skating in narrow aisles (just like in the peanut butter example).
  • Stopping before entering a door.
  • Coming to a stop at a traffic light, especially when you need to push the button.

It’s a sharp turn and a stop rolled into one, and it’s super useful when you don’t have much room.

How to do the peanut butter technique

  1. Start in your skating stance: Make sure you're in a good, balanced position with a bit of forward lean.
  2. Foot placement: If you're turning to the right, put your right foot forward first, then bring your left foot parallel to it.
  3. Hit that 90-degree turn: The key here is making sure your feet turn exactly 90 degrees. Anything less and you’ll keep rolling.
  4. Practice both sides: You’ll want to be able to do this on both sides, so you’re ready for whatever situation comes up.

Practice makes perfect 

peanut butter technique

If you're just starting out, practice the move while standing still. Once you’ve got that down, try it at a slow speed. Build up from there, and before you know it, you’ll be able to stop on a dime. The trick is to time your foot placement just right.

Adding some speed: advanced tips

Once you’re comfortable with the basic stop, you can take it up a notch by adding a little flair. Remember that old 80s dance move where you shift your weight from one foot to the other? Throw that in! After your stop, shift your weight from one foot to the other to help slow down even faster.

Why the 90-degree turn is so important

If you don’t get the 90-degree angle right, you’ll keep rolling, and that can mean crashing into things (like the peanut butter shelf!). So, make sure you’re hitting that perfect turn every time.

Keep leveling up your skating with de peanut butter technique

The peanut butter technique is a fun and super handy stop to have in your skating toolbox. It’s great for tight spots and quick stops. Once you master it, you'll feel way more confident in all kinds of skating situations.

Want to keep improving? Check out more lessons on our YouTube channel, or come visit us at the shop in Amsterdam for some personal coaching!

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