Customizing your skate with a different soulplate (raised heel skates only)
Are you an aggressive inline skater looking to upgrade your soulplates? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll be discussing soulplates with a raised heel specifically designed for aggressive skating.
If you are looking for the history of soulplates, then learn more about them here:
First, let's talk about compatibility. It can be very difficult to find soulplates from different brands that fit properly on your skates.
Customization has always been a big part of aggressive skating, and many skaters have spent hours upon hours modifying their skates and soulplates to get the perfect fit and feel. However, finding the right soulplates for your skates can still be a challenge.
The Sway 2 soulplates and the Mesmer soulplates are two new options on the market that have gained popularity among aggressive skaters. These soulplates are designed to fit a variety of skate brands, but it's always a good idea to double-check the fit before committing to a purchase.
We tested all soulplates, in all sizes, from all brands on al boots!
The Excel Sheet
We made an Excel Sheet of our tests if you want to get an overview of all the information. It is viewable with this Dropbox link:
When it comes to determining whether a particular soulplate will fit your skates, there are a few key factors to consider in the Excel Sheet.
"Ofcourse it fits" refers to soulplates that are a perfect match for your skates and require no modifications, except for redrilling the holes in the boot.
"Perfect fit!!" refers to soulplates that fit your skates perfectly with no extra room or gaps, except for re drilling the holes in the boot.
"Perfect with a bit of extra room" refers to soulplates that fit your skates with a small amount of extra space, which can usually be filled with foam or other padding material. You will also need to redrill the holes in the boot.
"Fits if you Dremel the soul" refers to soulplates that may require some modification, such as grinding down the edges, in order to fit properly on your skates. You will also need to redrill the holes in the boot.
Some skate models have a big likelyhood of needing modifications when you try to put on a soulplate from a different brand. Razor Cult skates may require the removal of the nob in order to fit certain soulplates. M12 skates may require some shaving in order to fit certain soulplates and heavy Dremel work may be necessary in order to fit certain soulplates on certain skates.
Redrilling the holes in the boot
In almost all cases it is necessary to make adjustments to your skates in order to attach the soulplate to your boot.
Once you've found the perfect soulplate for your skates, it's time to get to work! Here are a few tips to help you successfully install your new soulplates: