Everything about frame spacers
Short answer:
A frame spacer is an essential component in inline skates that ensure proper spacing between the wheels and the frame, allowing for smooth skating.
frame spacers
Inline skate frame spacers play a vital role in maintaining the performance and functionality of your skates. These small yet crucial components create the necessary separation between the wheels and the frame, preventing friction that could hinder your speed and smoothness while skating. Without frame spacers, the wheels would rub against the frame, severely affecting your skating experience.
Types of frame spacers
There are several types of frame spacers available, each catering to different skate setups. Most modern inline skates come with integrated frame spacers. In metal frames, the spacers are built directly into the frame, which means you don’t need to worry about replacing them. This design is typical for skates with metal frames, ensuring durability and reliability.
However, skates with plastic frames, often seen in aggressive skates or children's skates, usually feature changeable frame spacers. These spacers are not integrated into the frame, so you can replace them if necessary. For skaters with these setups, being able to swap out the spacers is a significant advantage.
Special edition frame spacers
Some high-end skates, such as the Iqon Decode frames, offer advanced spacer technology. These frames come with special bearings that include built-in spacers, which allow for different wheel positions within the frame. This flexibility can enhance your skating performance, especially if you’re looking for customizable options.
On the other hand, some lower-end skates may have frame spacers integrated with the bearing itself. These types of spacers are generally compatible with 6mm axles and are not as versatile as the higher-end models. Still, they offer adequate support for beginner skaters.
Customizing your frame spacer setup
One unique feature of certain frame spacers is their ability to be flipped. By flipping the spacer, you can change the axle position, which adjusts the wheel height and affects the skate’s rocker. For instance, raising the outer wheels and lowering the inner wheels increases the skate’s maneuverability. This customization option can help you fine-tune your skating experience to match your style and preferences.
Frame spacers ensure smooth wheel rotation and optimal performance. To complement your frame setup, you should also consider learning about heel brakes for better stopping power, or dive into the role of wheel cores for enhanced durability.
When to replace your frame spacers
Integrated frame spacers typically do not require replacement. Metal frame spacers, even when changeable, are very durable and rarely need to be swapped out. However, if you own older or lower-end skates with plastic or nylon frame spacers, upgrading to metal spacers can significantly improve your skate's performance. At This Is Soul Skateshop, for example, we frequently upgrade the nylon frame spacers on older Roces FCO Rome skates to metal spacers for a better skating experience.
Frame spacers have been an essential part of inline skates since their early days, with vintage skates from the 80s and 90s also featuring them. Modern metal frame skates often allow for rocker adjustments through asymmetrical axles, which provide even more control over your skate setup.
If you need new frame spacers or have questions about your skate setup, seeking expert advice can help ensure that you make the best decision for your needs. Visit This Is Soul Skateshop or browse online to explore available options.
Your skates are more than just boots and wheels. Explore our Hardware Insights to learn how different components affect your ride. From frames to bearings, get the knowledge you need to fine-tune your setup.